Thank you, for visiting our site.
Please feel free to contact me for prayer, speaking engagements, or any questions biblical or relational in nature included. I also offer free Bible-based counseling to women in need. Each session is held in strict confidence.
Thank you, again! I look forward to hearing from you!
May God our holy Father in heaven continue to bless you so that you may always be a blessing wherever you go!
Terri Temple
The Godly Woman's Guide
Please Note: Please use my email address ([email protected]) to contact me to set up an appointment for your call and I will reply to you ASAP.
Please feel free to contact me for prayer, speaking engagements, or any questions biblical or relational in nature included. I also offer free Bible-based counseling to women in need. Each session is held in strict confidence.
Thank you, again! I look forward to hearing from you!
May God our holy Father in heaven continue to bless you so that you may always be a blessing wherever you go!
Terri Temple
The Godly Woman's Guide
Please Note: Please use my email address ([email protected]) to contact me to set up an appointment for your call and I will reply to you ASAP.